What is the reference date?
Reference date – the calendar date expressly stipulated, namely dd/mm/y, set by the company’s board of administration, company’s directorship respectively, serving to identification of shareholders entitled to attend and vote within General Shareholder Meeting. The reference date must be after the convocation publishing and before GSM; (ASF Regulation no. 5/2018, art. 2 letter (g))
What is the registration date?
Registration date – the calendar date expressly stipulated, namely dd/mm/y, set by the general shareholder meeting, further named GSM, serving to identification of shareholders that are to benefit of dividends or other rights and over which the effects of the GSM decisions are felt. The registration date is set within GSM decisions regarding the corporate events; (ASF Regulation no. 5/2018, art. 2 letter (f))
What is the ex-date?
Ex-date – the date before the registration date with a settlement cicle minus a working day, since the financial instruments subject to decisions of the company bodies are being traded without the rights deriving from that specific decision. Ex-date is calculated taking into account the settlement cicle T+2 working days; (ASF Regulation no. 5/2018, art. 2 letter (l))
What is the payment date?
Payment date – the calendar date expressly stipulated, namely dd/mm/y, on which the results of an corporate event, related to ownership of financial instruments, are due, namely on which the debit and/or credit of money amounts and/or financial instruments must be carried out; (ASF Regulation no. 5/2018, art. 2 letter (h))
How to get the dividends uncashed?
As for the dividends due to shareholders, the dividend payment is made according to the provisions of art. 146, par (51) of the Law 297/2004, with subsequent changes and additions: “The issuers make the payment of the dividend and any other amounts due to securities holders through the Central Depository (Depozitarul Central) and participants to the clearing and settlement system and registry.” The annual dividends due to shareholders whose amount does not cover the distribution costs entailed by the payment through Depozitarul Central SA are distributed at shareholder’s request at INFINITY CAPITAL INVESTMENTS S.A. headoffice through cashier, free of commission.
How to proceed for updating personal data in the shareholder registry ? (e.g.,change of domicile,change of name following civil status change etc.)
With a view to changing the identification data you are registered in the shareholder’s registry, you need to contact the company that keeps INFINITY CAPITAL INVESTMENTS S.A. registry, namely Depozitarul Central S.A., (with headoffice in Șoseaua Nicolae Titulescu nr. 4 – 8, Cladirea America House, Aripa de Est, etaj 1, Bucharest sector 1, cod poștal 011141, telefon: 021/4085800 email: contact@depozitarulcentral.ro, website: https://www.roclear.ro/).
The change of the identification data is carried out at shares owner request, based on documents submitting and payment of charges requested by the Central Depository.
We mention that any of the changes occurred in the shareholder status which have not been communicated and registered in the shareholder’s registry kept by the company designated by contract, shall not be invoked against the company.
How to proceed for transferring the shares held in INFINITY CAPITAL INVESTMENTS S.A. from a decesead person to his/her heir/heirs? How to get the dividends uncashed that belonged to a decesead person?
In order to become the owner of the shares held by a deceased person you need to follow this procedure:
• Persons having eligibility of heir request to a public notary to settle the succession for all the shares held by the deceased person. In case there are several heirs, you need to also carry out the termination of joint tenancy.
• Important mention: Based on the co-operation agreement signed between Depozitarul Central and Centrul national de Administrare a Registrelor Nationale Notariale (CNARNN-INFONOT), the employees of this institution may issue, by accessing the systems of Depozitarul Central, account balance for the deceased persons, needed for settlement of the successions dealt by the public notaries.
• After completion of succession settlement, you need to request to Depozitarul Central to carry out in the shareholder’s registry the shares transfer from the deceased person to the heir/heirs, based on submitting the needed documentation and payment of a charge, as well as to issue a document: transfer confirmation. In case there are several heirs, also the confirmations for termination of joint tenancy shall be requested.
Further information regarding the transfer procedure can be obtained from Depozitarul Central S.A., (with headoffice in Bucharest 020922, Bulevardul Carol I 34-36, floors: 3, 8, 9, phone: 021/4085800, 021/4085840, 021/4085860, 021/4085866, website: https://www.roclear.ro/.
After completion of the shares transfer and receiving the transfer confirmation, the new owner/owners may contact our company for allocation of the dividends uncashed that belonged to the deceased person in the name of the new owner/owners. After carrying out the dividend allocation, the amount due shall be cashed from one of the agencies of Banca Comerciala Romana.
How can I transfer to a relative the shares I own in INFINITY CAPITAL INVESTMENTS S.A.?
Share direct transfers between relatives or in-laws up to fourth grade including are carried out based on property transfer document certified by a public notary, through the depositary and registry company Depozitarul Central S.A., (with head office in Bucharest 020922, Bulevardul Carol I 34-36, floors: 3, 8, 9, phone: 021/4085800, 021/4085840, 021/4085819, 021/4085860, 021/4085866, website: https://www.roclear.ro/) according to the procedures of this company and complying with legal provisions in force regarding the conditions for carrying out such transfers.
Further information can be requested from the depositary and registry company aforementioned.
How can I sell or buy shares issued by INFINITY CAPITAL INVESTMENTS S.A.?
Taking into account that the shares issued by INFINITY CAPITAL INVESTMENTS S.A. are traded on Bucharest Stock Exchange, their selling and purchasing is made, according to the law, only by specialised companies named Financial Investment Services Companies (S.S.I.F.)
Therefore, in order to sell or buy shares issued by INFINITY CAPITAL INVESTMENTS S.A., you need to contact such companies.
The lists of the authorized financial investment services companies , with their contact information, are available at https://www.roclear.ro/, section Participants/Members and www.bvb.ro, section intermediaries.